Old Kia Kima
Spring Fellowship
and Work Weekend
April 25 - 28, 2024
Online Registration

Registration begins April 8. Meal prices increase $3 per meal after April 20. Registration ends April 25.

Fill in the requested information then click the "REGISTER" button at the bottom of the page.

Payment options:
1) Pay online now using a credit card or Paypal account or,
2) Pay at Old Kia Kima with a check, cash or credit card.

Check here if this is an amended/corrected registration.

* First Name:

* Last Name:

Nick Name:

* Email:

* required field

Select planned DAY of arrival Select planned TIME of arrival

The last day to register for these meal prices is April 20. Meal prices increase by $3 per meal after April 20.

Meals Amount Select
Wednesday dinner $12.00
Thursday lunch $8.00
Thursday dinner $12.00
Friday lunch $8.00
Friday dinner $12.00
Saturday pancake breakfast $8.00
Saturday lunch $8.00
Saturday dinner $12.00
Sunday continental breakfast FREE

2024 Membership

Membership Type Renewal New

Membership Level Amount Select
Patron $500.00
Legacy $400.00
Sponsor $300.00
Heritage $200.00
Active $100.00
Contributing $50.00
Not paying now None

Donation to the General Fund: $
Enter whole dollars only

Donation to the Endowment Fund: $
Enter whole dollars only


Total Amount Due = $

Be sure to verify your information. You will NOT be able to edit this information after it is sent. To make changes, fill out the form again and resubmit.

After clicking the "REGISTER" button below, you will see a summary page showing your information. You will have the option to make a Paypal or credit card payment from the summary page. You will also receive an emailed confirmation. Email may take a few minutes to be delivered. Check your SPAM folder.

If you have questions about your registration or this online registration form, contact Richard Wertz at rwertz@prodigy.net.